Family outraged after RCMP shoots and kills family pet pit bull
'Mason'Photo courtesy Basra family
Monday, July 21 - 05:25:00 PM Claudia Kwan
'Mason'Photo courtesy Basra family
Monday, July 21 - 05:25:00 PM Claudia Kwan
A Surrey family is grieving the death of their pet dog at the hands of RCMP officers Sunday morning. They're also asking why the dog had to be killed. RCMP confirm they shot and killed a pet pit bull, after responding to a dropped 911 call in the Newton area, around 80th Avenue and 132-A Street.RCMP Sergeant Roger Morrow says officers went into a fenced area of the home, and ran into a pit bull-bull mastiff cross breed. "The dog, in essence, backs the member up, and it comes to the point where (the dog) is merely a foot or so away, and appears to be getting ready to come at the police officers...and 2 shots were fired."
The family that owns the dog says they are heartbroken that their beloved pet 'Mason' was killed as he played in his own yard. Rajan Basra says the 2 and a half year old dog was part of the family. "He brought so much happiness into our world. We'd joke around and call him our baby brother. My mom used to feed him, before she'd feed herself."
Basra says their dog heard the gate opening and ran up because he thought someone was coming to play with him. She maintains the dog was not aggressive at all. The family believes the dog was shot partly because it was a pit bull.
Another soul lost to ignorance
I hope they sue the ass(ets) off the RCMP.
He was shot for one reason and one reason only...P-I-T-B-U-L-L
Is it now open season that people can shoot a dog(make that a Pit Bull) when it gets what was it 1 foot away?
Maybe it`s time for Pit Bull owners(the responsible ones) to start packing sports equipment that can be used as a weapon to protect their dogs!
Shoot them,burn them,hang them at that`s all ok!!
I actually think we`re at war on behalf of our dogs.
File a major lawsuit over this.
This dog is not going to recover from its injuries.
What a screwed up world we live in.
Shooting dogs because they look at someone sideways.
Way to go Media and politicians.
You are to blame for this.
Protect your dogs
Anyway you have to!
It appears to be open season on Pit Bulls!
Appalling... now our dogs aren't even safe in their own yards. Where does law enforcement draw a line? Obviously no where when it comes to pit bulls.
Is BC importing their water from Ontario now?
Stop drinking that stuff NOW!!!
[quote]How long are we going to tolerate this nightmare and do nothing?[/quote]
Someone needs to tell this person there have been deaths from dogs in Canada.
Possibly one from an AmStaff(unconfirmed) but 70% of the fatalities have been by Husky type dogs.(Fatalities by dogs are rare as you know)
Shouldn`t he be screaming for the deaths of all Husky type dogs?
Maybe all the Provinces should extradite all their crazy people to Ontario and they could all be in one place and then all of Ontario`s dogs could be extradited to the other Provinces to live in Peace.
Frightening people walking our Streets!!!!
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